When Ford NZ came to us wanting to develop a demonstrator clearance event, our creative and media geniuses came up with the Ford 3 Day Demo Deals campaign.

Ford 3 Day Demo Deals Title


Ford 3 Day Demo Deals Website
Ford 3 Day Demo Deals Website 2
Ford 3 Day Demo Deals Social Media
Ford 3 Day Demo Deals Newspaper
Ford 3 Day Demo Deals Newspaper 2

The Result

The combination of Ideation’s creative & media expertise resulted in a distinctive advertising campaign that maximised awareness and drove sales… not to forget, made campaign development and implementation super easy for Ford dealerships across New Zealand.

For an advertising promotion that gets results, contact Ideation today – CLICK HERE.

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Its been an absolute treat working with each of you over the years, really appreciate the diligent, can-do attitude and professionalism. Not to mention the quality of creative we’ve taken to market, its been loads of fun!

Jeremy Nash – Marketing Manager, Commercial


"Good things happen when we talk business."

Johnny Wilson - Managing Director

Let's Chat

Let's Chat

Johnny Wilson
Managing Director

+64 21 614 249

+64 3 377 5150 ext. 204

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Michael Wilson
Account Director

+64 21 617 280

+64 3 377 5150 ext. 203

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Olivia Ball
Financial Manager

+64 3 377 5150 ext. 201